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Meet Isabella Yobbagy

Psychology (clinical, child, community and forensic)
May 2020
Ebensburg, Pa.
High School
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
Dream Job
Forensic psychologist for the FBI

"Point Park is filled with so many interesting and diverse students, and everyone here is very accepting."

Isabella Yobbagy

Why did you choose Point Park University?

I chose Point Park for a variety of reasons, one of them being the amazing psychology program here. Point Park offers concentrations in forensic psychology and clinical psychology, as well as other areas. I also decided on Point Park because of the atmosphere. I was born in Houston, Texas, and lived there for eight years, so I have always been a city person. I just loved the fact that Point Park was right in the heart of Downtown Pittsburgh and that there is always something to do and somewhere to go.

Tell us about your involvement with the Confluence Psychology Alliance.

Confluence Psychology Alliance is a club that’s open to anyone, but is primarily made up of psychology majors. As a psychology major, this is a great organization to be part of. We bring in guest speakers, host fundraisers and hold club bonding activities. Last year we held a coat and blanket drive for the homeless, and we plan to continue that work this year. I am really excited to be a part of Confluence, and I would recommend anyone to join!

What's your favorite thing about living in Downtown Pittsburgh?

From all of the phenomenal places to eat to the amazing scenery, there are so many reasons why I love living in Downtown Pittsburgh. I would have to say the best thing about living Downtown is that there is always something to do. It’s amazing that we can go to somewhere big like the Mattress FactoryCarnegie Museums, a concert or a sporting event, yet we can also go somewhere small, but still equally as fun, like Point State Park or Mount Washington. There is always something to do and it makes you feel like you are a part of something. 

Who is your professor and why?

Several professors have had an impact on me, but my favorite professor is Dr. McInerney, or as we all call him, Dr. Bob. I had Dr. McInerney my first semester freshman year for Psychological Foundations and he is also my advisor. He’s taught me so much about psychology and brought new perspectives to the material. He is a phenomenal professor and is very passionate about his work. 

What is the best part about the city during the fall season?

I love going to Fright Night at Kennywood Park in the fall. My friends from home and my friends here at Point Park all go together. We have such a fun time and all of my friends get to know each other. Overall, I just enjoy that my friends and I can enjoy fall activities together. 

What advice do you have for incoming students?

My advice to incoming students is to not be afraid to be yourself. Point Park is filled with so many interesting and diverse students, and everyone here is very accepting. It’s easy to get out there and make tons of friends. Also, get involved! It’s important to get out of your room, try new things and meet new people who could possibly have a huge impact on you. 

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Text and photo by Sydney Patton, junior sports, arts, and entertainment management major